I've spent the last three weeks since graduation continuing my education. I've been part of a small archaeological dig focusing on the Hopewell Moundbuilding society of the Midwest. It's a class I'm taking mostly for the experience, should I change my mind someday and decide to go back into academia. I think that this experience could be useful no matter what I do for a museum, actually. The more I can relate to my colleague, the more informed I am and the more helpful I can be.
Even though I've been in the field for 10 hours a day in every weather condition Ohio can throw at us and then spending many evenings with my fellow field school attendees, I've still been playing with my creative side. Unfortunately, I rarely continue with one project for very long. There's been a lot of bouncing around. It's like my mind really can't believe I have THAT MUCH FREE TIME and can't decide what to do with it all. I've been drawing, writing, modeling, and even making bracelets out of Starburst wrappers. (And I'm getting really good at it, too.) One day at the dig last week my team hit a thick layer of soft red clay that was really easy to mold, so I made a bear out of it. (It was going to be a dolphin, but the clay wouldn't support a long beak so a bear it became.) And I'm going to design the T-shirts for our dig.
This is my bear. He's made completely out of 100% natural clay I dug out of the ground. I'm pleasantly surprised he's still in one piece.
Then, this coming Sunday, I leave Columbus to go do big-people work. It's sad and relieving all at the same time. For now, though, I'm just going to have fun digging and seeing all my friends before I move out.
And isn't my bear ADORABLE!? :D
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