
Friday, March 22, 2013

Creativity on a Budget

If you're an artist, you may know the feeling of being short on both supplies and funds.  (And if you're not an artist, I'm sure you're familiar with the term "starving artist."  There's often a good reason for that.)

One of the things that I've come to be familiar with as a hobby artist is making do with what you've got.  I prefer pencil and paper to other mediums, not just because I'm good at it but because it's often more affordable.  There's nothing wrong with using Crayola if you know how to use it.  (Indeed, be amazed by this awesome drawing- all in Crayola crayon!)  Art supplies as gifts are not uncommon in my family.  And I use Hobby Lobby coupons like they're gold.

But the best way to save and be creative is to recycle.  It's awesome for the planet, too!  (If that sort of thing tickles your jimmies, of course.  You could also look at it as saving you space in your garbage can, or not wasting things, if you so prefer.)  I have a small collection of cardboard boxes that I hope to turn into bases for dioramas, for example.  Old newspaper is a classic recipe for paper mache.  (Pinatas, anybody!?)  There's all kinds of cool things you can do, if you think hard enough.

A good friend of mine (known to the Internet community as Elrenia_Greenleaf) is one of the most thrifty and creative people I know.  She can make a spaceship out of a popsicle stick, old Styrofoam packaging, plastic wrap, bottle caps, paper clips, and an old set of headphones.  Seriously.  Her work often inspires me to design my own dioramas and props for things.  (Then I run into the problem with another resource- time, but that's something for another day.)

What creative things do YOU do on a budget?  I'd love to hear your stories and ideas!

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